The Online Dating Slang Words You Should Know

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Whether it’s someone turning you down when you ask them out or standing you up for a date – you just got curved. Considered a “toxic” dating trend, Cooking Jarring refers to the practice of stringing someone along in a relationship. They are considered a “Plan B” in case other options don’t work out.

Here are some fake dating app acronyms that you might find amusing. Some of these dating abbreviations might be offensive. She’s also a language enthusiast who grew up bilingual and had an early love affair with books.

Emma Stone Learns British Slang From Rachel Weisz

Yes there’s flirting, cute emoticons, and perhaps some fun photos. After losing touch with someone who you’d been talking or seeing, zombieing is when they make a triumphant return as if nothing ever happened. Your zombie may get in touch with you via DM, text or by seeking you out in person. Hearing from someone who totally dipped out on you can bring up some conflicting feelings, but if you’re looking for a positive, the situation does have the potential to offer some clarity or closure. Tindstagramming is the process of contacting someone through Instagram’s direct messaging feature after you have seen them on Tinder but not become a match.

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Netflix and Chill sound a lot of fun with the idea of chilling while watching movies via Netflix. Originally, “Netflix and chill” was a euphemism for a stay-at-home date that led to sex pretty quickly. When you invite someone for a “Netflix and chill,” you and that person abandon the movie because it’s not the main attraction, it’s the hookup. Ghosting happens when someone you have been actively chatting with suddenly disappears out of your life. Though you didn’t hear them saying “Goodbye”, it just simply means they’re no longer interested in you.

Rounding the bases, then, would mean progressing through these acts towards whatever act—possibly sex—was deemed a home run. On Tinder, swiping your finger toward the top of the screen is called a “Super Like” – meaning you’re really into them. Free users get a one each day, and upgraded users get 5.


And while most of us have heard of ghosting by now, you may find yourself occasionally pretending you know what your friend means when she tells you, “Ugh, I think my Tinder date is kittenfishing me.” ” If someone messages you this, they’re wondering what you’re up to. If you’re extremely interested, you can “Super Like” them by swiping up. There are also corresponding icons you can tap if you don’t want to perform the actual swiping motion with your finger.

Thanks to the age of social media, relationships are put into the spotlight of the computer screen when a couple decides to take the leap from casual to serious. In an age where people are slow to “go steady,” making it “Facebook Official” is probably the 2014 equivalent of “getting pinned” or wearing your boyfriend’s letterman jacket. By far, the phenomenon of “hooking up” is the most prominent phrase in the teen circle. These two words are all-encompassing and utterly vague, much to the dismay of curious parents.

For instance, you can’t set dealbreakers or make your location one factor in your dating. In addition to answering 116 brain online games, you’ll always be asked about the beliefs and religious principles, as well as your recommended physical features in a spouse. Nicole Lane is a spouse, mom, author, and common contributor for YourTango.

This is a relationship that’s not quite a romantic relationship but is definitely more than a platonic friendship. You know what I’m talking about, those relationships you can’t quite define and don’t even feel comfortable calling a relationship… but they’re still something. This is probably the most common and most well-known of all the new dating slang.

An extremely insulting and mildly sexist term for the period between early fall and late winter when people are more likely to date someone regularly just to have a warm body nearby. Because god knows that being in an intimate relationship with regular sexual activity is akin to being chained to the ground. She adds apps are also creating communities of single people who may feel fatigued from traditional swiping. Apps like The League, she adds, allows users to join interest groups like brunch, hiking or networking events to allow people to meet face-to-face. Benching — this is an updated version of “stringing someone along,” and it reflects the choice paralysis of having multiple online dating prospects to juggle. Designed to help users make confident decisions online, this website contains information about a wide range of products and services.

Remember that being currently single does not mean you will remain without a partner indefinitely, unless you decide so. Enjoy every step of the journey and focus on personal growth during this time. When a former romantic partner is no longer part of one’s daily life, a significant change occurs, which is often unsettling. Self-care is an excellent diversion from the breakup and an excellent means of concentrating on oneself. Picture this… A man starts browsing profiles… swiping right, hoping to get a match. Take a breather in your busy day with this curated collection of relaxing reads, real-life stories, interviews, everyday tips, and expert insights.

Cheating is a clear idea for most people, so “Micro-Cheating” is essentially anything that skirts the idea of cheating on your partner. You “ghost” someone by ignoring their texts, messages and calls rather than telling them directly that you aren’t interested. Pronunciation for “Cuffing Season”For daters and older adults who are feeling the chill from a cold winter, getting someone to warm yourself up with is the perfect solution. “Cuffing season” is that time of year when you find a partner to cozy up to and snuggle up with.

Many men struggle with being passive in their relationships, and there can be several reasons for this behavior. Understanding the causes of passiveness can help individuals address and overcome this challenge. Sometimes one on one in person discussions to vent, cry and heal is the best way to help you move forward/adjust. I was involved with a guy at 18 who turned out to be incredibly toxic and abusive.